Large, twisted, blue or purple varicose veins are disfiguring and can also be painful. Clear your varicose veins and your pain at Odessa General Surgery. Kevin Lynch, DO, removes dysfunctional varicose veins to improve the health and appearance of your legs. If you live or work in the Odessa, Texas, area, set up a varicose vein consultation by calling the Odessa General Surgery office today or contact the helpful staff with the online form.

Varicose Vein Treatment

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are large, twisted, blue or purple veins that bulge through your skin. Varicose veins are disfiguring, but more importantly, they’re also an indication that those veins no longer function and may be impeding healthy circulation in your legs.

Dr. Lynch recommends treating varicose veins with radiofrequency ablation, laser therapy, surgery, or sclerotherapy, depending on their size.

Why do I have varicose veins?

Varicose veins may be inherited, but can also develop on their own when the valves that push the blood toward your heart stop working. Instead of moving forward, the blood flows backward and pools behind the valve, making that portion of the vein swollen and bulging.

You’re more likely to develop varicose veins as you age, because the constant pressure of your blood flowing through veins can wear down the valves over time. Other risk factors for varicose veins are:

  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Standing for long periods of time
  • Sitting for long periods of time
  • Long-term walking or running

You’re also more likely to develop varicose veins if you’re female.

Why should I treat my varicose veins?

Varicose veins are disfiguring and can make even fit legs look unhealthy. Varicose veins are also dysfunctional veins that you no longer need.

The fluid build-up in varicose veins can cause brownish discoloration of your skin or even progress to erode your tissues and skin and cause painful ulcerations, especially around your ankles.

If you have visible varicose veins, you may also have deep varicose veins. Deep varicose veins are at risk for developing blood clots, which cause your legs to swell and could travel to other parts of your body. Contact Dr. Lynch immediately if you notice symptoms such as:

  • pain
  • swelling
  • burning itching
  • fatigue discolored skin bleeding ulcers

Once your varicose veins have been removed, your circulatory system reroutes itself to improve healthy blood flow.

How does varicose vein removal work?

Dr. Lynch’s therapies for treating varicose veins are very effective and will improve your venous circulation and the appearance of your legs.

Radiofrequency ablation treats the longer truncal veins that underlie and feed the visible varicose veins on the surface. This is performed in the office under local anesthesia.

Laser therapy targets the pigment in the spider veins and smaller superficial veins near the skin surface, vaporizing them.

Surgical excision actually removes the larger, bulging and visible varicose veins. This is usually performed in the office under local anesthesia.

Sclerotherapy consists of injecting veins with special solutions or foam to collapse them so your body can resorb them.

To find out how your legs can be free of disfiguring, painful varicose veins, contact Dr. Lynch for a consultation today. Phone his friendly office staff or use the handy contact form.