Robotic surgery is a highly advanced, minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a surgeon-controlled da Vinci® console, miniature camera, and precise, miniature tools to reduce blood loss, trauma, and recovery time when you need surgery. Kevin Lynch, DO, of Odessa General Surgery is the most experienced robotic surgeon in the area. To learn if your condition can be treated with minimally invasive robotic surgery, call the Odessa, Texas, office today or use the online form.
Robotic Surgery
What is robotic surgery?
Robotic surgery is an advanced, state-of-the-art approach to surgery that allows the surgeon to make much smaller incisions and more precise, highly controlled motions to minimize trauma and recovery time.
Dr. Lynch may use robotic surgery to treat conditions that otherwise would require more invasive open surgery, such as:
- gallstones and gallbladder disease
- inguinal hernias
- abdominal wall or incisional hernias
- hiatal hernias
- colon tumors or diverticulitis
During your consultation, Dr. Lynch advises you whether your condition can be treated with robotic surgery, laparoscopic surgery, or a traditional open approach.
How does robotic surgery work?
Dr. Lynch uses the state-of-the-art da Vinci system to perform robotic surgery. Da Vinci is an advanced type of laparoscopic surgery, which uses a miniature camera to visualize the operating area. Da Vinci is more precise and flexible than traditional laparoscopy.
When performing robotic surgery, Dr. Lynch makes just 4-5 small incisions of less than 2 inches each, in contrast to the larger incisions of 6-8 inches that open surgery requires.
He then guides the sterile camera and tiny sterile robotic surgical tools through each incision. The camera sends magnified, color, 3D images to the console monitor, so Dr. Lynch has a clear view of the operating area.
The high-resolution magnification allows Dr. Lynch to visualize organs and tissues at sizes and clarity that aren’t possible in traditional surgery. He can also enhance and optimize the images with synchronizers and high-intensity illuminators.
He uses his own dextrous hand movements to control a console that operates the tiny, flexible surgical tools with motion-scaling technology.
With da Vinci, Dr. Lynch can make much smaller and more precise incisions and other manipulations than is possible by hand with traditional tools.
What are the advantages of robotic surgery?
Robotic surgery is much more precise than traditional open or laparoscopic approaches. With robotic surgery, you get benefits such as:
- Smaller incisions
- Less bleeding
- Less pain
- Less trauma
- Quicker recovery
- Less visible scars
The minute movements that are possible with da Vinci ensures that even the smallest amounts of malignant or diseased tissue can be removed. Dr. Lynch can also make smaller repairs and adjustments than is possible with traditional surgical approaches.
To find out if you can benefit from state-of-the-art robotic surgery, contact Dr. Lynch for a consultation today. Reach him through his friendly office staff or the convenient online form.